You. Are. Not.
Lazy. Undisciplined. Defective.
Faulty. Messed Up. Screwed Up.
Or that other word that begins with an F.

You’re just trying to make your way in this world—just like the rest of us. And sure, you’ve had your moments. You’ve eaten too much. You’ve cried too much. You’ve lashed out too much. You’ve felt guilty too much.

And you’ve neglected yourself too much.

But now you’ve had enough. It’s why you’re here. You might not know how to fix it, or what to do about it, but you’ve simply had enough.

Get your old self back.
Move your new self forward.
And remember what it feels like to be in control, love your body, laugh at life, feel that spark and actually give a damn.

Because acting happy is one thing.
But being happy is another.

I’m Laura.

By trade I’m a mega-certified life + weight loss coach. But really? I’m a sparkly, fun-loving trusted confidant + mentor. You know—where you can say the things you can’t say out with the girls at dinner. The hard stuff. The complicated stuff. The messy, dirty, unkept stuff. The stuff that makes you cringe to even think about. Like the Doritos you keep binging on. Or the pizza. Or the stuff you just can’t seem to make yourself do. Or maybe the guilt over the relationship that’s long lost its fire. Or the person inside of you who’s long lost theirs.

Because sometimes, you need someone in your corner. Your light’s been dimmed. It’s dingy. Overcast. Faded. Fizzled. Because somewhere along the line, you lost your way. Your sense of fun. Your spunk, your swank, your glow, your red hot, hot ass, tingly live-wire electricity that used to make everyone fall in love with you. Including yourself.
But in the meantime, you’ve put everything on hold. On hold while you lose the weight. On hold while you figure it out. On hold while you wait for that better job to come along, that better man to come along, that better life to come along.

But guess what, darling?

The only person that needs to come along…is you.

That’s where I come in.

I help women remember who they are. I help them go in– SWAT team style–and emerge with the bold, confident, happy, courageous, enthralling, moxie-licious minx of a woman they were meant to be.

You might call me a weight-loss coach. Trained with world-renowned Brooke Castillo, it’s my number one passion, love + gift to this world. You might also call me a life coach. Trained with regular Oprah contributor, Martha Beck, I’m a master coach minus the fluffy, airy-fairy woo woo. (No, really. Ask me what my least favorite word is. Go on. I’ll wait. Okay, fine. I’ll tell you. It’s “authentic self.” And “journey.” And “rhinoceros,” but that’s not here nor there.)

When I work with clients, we get down. We laugh a lot. We lighten up. We ditch the judgment. And we learn what it means to have fun again.

Because, after all, it’s not about the things you do, but the spirit with which you do them.

And that’s precisely what we do together: We find your spirit. And we yank it on back to town.

If you need someone you can talk to.
If you need someone who wants to hear the messy.
If you need someone who can help you though it.
And if you need someone who gives a damn.

I’m Laura.

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